Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout Response

Bailout? Rescue? Investment? What we call it is not as important as how it may impact all businesses and consumers. But don’t worry; the politicians will solve all our problems …

As I write this, it is early in the morning of September 30th—the morning after the 777-point fall in the Dow. The talking heads are all buzzing—from both sides of the aisle.

I am interested in the opinions of the folks who stop by this blog. I have my thoughts that I will share with a summary in my next entry, but want to open it up for comments and insights from the readers.

  1. As this is posted, the market will have reacted to yesterday. Where will the Dow end up the year?
  2. Has the “credit crunch” impacted your business? If so, how? Tighter line of credits? Pullback on expansion capital? Freeze on hiring? Or none of the above?
  3. As a business owner, how do you feel the presidential campaign is addressing your concerns? Do you think either candidate will help or hurt your profits?
  4. What are your thoughts on the government’s plan? Should there be a cap on compensation for Wall Street executives who get “bailed out?” Should the free market reign and let those who got too highly leveraged fail? Is it too little? Too much?
  5. Lastly, I would love to get predictions on the commercial glazing prospects for 2009 and beyond.

I think the glazing market will continue provide opportunity for businesses that add value and service their customers. Sure, it will get harder—fewer projects, tighter financing and more competitors. However, partners who can help their customers increase their bottom line will always find a way to survive.

Your thoughts? Post them here or email me at pchojnacki@yourfabech.com. Please let me know if you are willing to share your comments publically. I will post them here soon.

Take care and hold on tight—it will be a wild ride!

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