Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Cookouts, the beach and sunshine – it’s summertime … and the living isn’t easy…

As George Gershwin put it in Porgy and Bess, the Classic song Summertime says: the fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high. Your Daddy’s rich and your Momma’s good lookin’.

Now, I am not going to get into a discussion about anyone’s “Momma” and her looks. I will let the stand-up comedians do that. However, most of us Daddy’s don’t feel rich at all right now. If you listen to the news, you will continue to be discouraged. From the economy and the auto industry mess to the Middle East, it is ugly everywhere. Or is it?

At FabTech, we are doing well. We are working full crews and looking at a strong backlog. As I talk to customers and prospects, many are encouraged that they have made it through some tight times and the wheels haven’t fallen off. As one contract glazier told me, we have chosen not to participate in this recession.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Business is tougher these days. Many jobs have been delayed or cancelled altogether. Others have so many glaziers bidding that the jobs are going out at break even margins. There are many who are foolishly happy to trade money with the bank. Let’s all hope those guys are weeded out by their stupidity.

So, dig in and know your business strengths and weaknesses. Exploit the strengths to get leaner and meaner. Work on the weaknesses so you will be better positioned when things light up again.
As the song says,

Hush, little baby don't you cry
don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
no no no no
don't cry, don't cry – Summertime

So take a break and listen to some of my favorite versions of this classic tune and enjoy your summertime. Versions by Billy Holiday, Ella and Stachmo, and a wild one by Janice Joplin.


Unknown said...

Thanks Pete, perhaps we could get a clip of your own rendition of "Summertime". We are all in the same boat, some in 1st Class others like us "working stiffs" elsewhere but the same boat, same destination. I'm a recruiter and wanted to share my perspective. I think you will find it applies to most others reading this as well. Much of my income, like many of you is dependent on various aspects of construction. This is my 4th recession since I began recruiting in 1983 and I've had to work extra hard this last 2 years. Despite all of my "unpublished" complaints about the economy a lot good has come from this. Maybe most important is that it has forced me to clean up those bad work habits I develop when business is much easier to find.
Business is getting better already and the BOOM is coming as it did following the previous recessions that I’ve worked through. Previous BOOMS came in 1984, the early 90's and the early 00's and they come with a vengeance (almost too easy). There is nothing like having a renewed work ethic and a ton of business. Hang in there if you can and "take Pete's advice" "Work on the weaknesses so you will be better positioned when things light up again.” Maybe we can get Pete to do some “HOPE” songs. History is repeating itself “again”.
Rick Springer – Cleveland, Ohio

Pete Chojnacki said...

Thanks Rick. I think my belief in the Browns is all the evidence you need that I have HOPE.